Category Archives: Divorce Mediation

Overcoming Challenges in Hamlin, New York Divorce Mediation

Overcoming Challenges in Hamlin New York Divorce Mediation

Divorce is undoubtedly one of life’s most challenging experiences, marked by emotional turbulence and significant life changes. In Hamlin, New York, individuals facing the prospect of divorce may find solace and a more amicable resolution through divorce mediation. Michael D. Schmitt, ESQ., is a seasoned attorney dedicated to guiding clients through this process, helping them […]

Dividing Stock Options and Restricted Stock in Honeoye Falls, New York Divorces

Dividing Stock Options and Restricted Stock in Honeoye Falls, New York Divorces

Divorce is an intricate and emotionally charged process that involves the division of assets, liabilities, and often, the dissolution of complex financial arrangements. One such financial asset that frequently presents challenges in divorce proceedings is stock options and restricted stock. In Honeoye Falls, New York, couples navigating through the divorce process need to understand the […]

The Financial Aspects of Divorce Mediation in New York

The Financial Aspects of Divorce Mediation in New York

Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process that can leave both parties feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Amidst the emotional turmoil, the financial aspects of divorce often pose significant hurdles. In New York, seeking mediation for the financial aspects of divorce has become an increasingly popular alternative to traditional adversarial court proceedings. This article delves […]

The Role of Attorneys in New York Divorce Mediation

The Role of Attorneys in New York Divorce Mediation

Divorce can be an emotionally challenging and complex process, often involving significant legal considerations. In the state of New York, couples seeking to dissolve their marriage have various options, including litigation, collaborative divorce, and mediation. While each approach has its merits, divorce mediation has gained popularity in recent years due to its non-adversarial nature and […]

What to Expect in Your First New York Divorce Mediation Session

What to Expect in Your First New York Divorce Mediation Session

Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally charged process, but choosing mediation as a means of resolving conflicts can make the transition smoother and less adversarial. In New York, divorce mediation is a popular alternative to traditional litigation, offering couples an opportunity to reach mutually beneficial agreements in a supportive environment. If you’re considering divorce […]

How to prepare for divorce mediation in New York

How to prepare for divorce mediation in New York

Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process, but mediation can offer a constructive and less adversarial alternative to traditional litigation. In New York, divorce mediation has gained popularity as a means of resolving disputes between spouses while minimizing conflict and stress. If you are considering divorce mediation in New York, it is essential to […]

The role of attorneys in divorce mediation in New York

The role of attorneys in divorce mediation in New York

Divorce can be a difficult and emotionally charged process, often requiring legal intervention to ensure a fair and equitable outcome. In recent years, divorce mediation has gained popularity as an alternative to traditional litigation, offering couples a more amicable and collaborative approach to resolving their differences. In New York, attorneys play a crucial role in […]

What to Expect During a Divorce Modification Hearing in New York

What to Expect During a Divorce Modification Hearing in New York

Going through a divorce is undoubtedly a challenging process, but it doesn’t necessarily end with the finalization of the divorce decree. Life circumstances often change, and it may become necessary to modify certain aspects of the divorce agreement. If you find yourself in such a situation in New York, it’s essential to understand what to […]

The Role of Mediation in New York Equitable Distribution

The Role of Mediation in New York Equitable Distribution

In New York, equitable distribution is the legal process by which a couple’s property is divided during a divorce. This process can be stressful and contentious, as both parties may have different ideas about what is fair and just. However, mediation can play a crucial role in helping couples navigate the equitable distribution process and […]

Understanding the Costs of divorce mediation in New York

Understanding the Costs of divorce mediation in New York

Divorce mediation is a cost-effective alternative to traditional divorce litigation that can save couples time, money, and stress. Mediation can help couples come to an agreement on issues such as child custody, child support, alimony, and property division. However, before choosing mediation, it’s important to understand the costs associated with the process. In New York, […]