Divorce Involving High Net Worth

If you are going through a divorce involving high net worth, you will want to make sure your assets are protected. Contact our Rochester attorney today.

Divorce Involving High Net WorthIn a divorce involving high net worth, one or both partners have a number of assets with high monetary value. In these types of divorces, it is important to hire an experienced and skilled lawyer who can protect these assets and make sure everything is divided fairly. Contact our office to learn more information.

Divorce Involving High Net Worth | Examples

In a divorce involving high net worth, there are a number of assets you may want protected. This can include:

  • Residential and commercial real property
  • Pension benefits, retirement accounts and deferred compensation
  • Antiques, heirlooms, art and collections
  • Military pensions and spousal benefits
  • Investment portfolios
  • Business and partnership assets, including equity interests in closely held corporations
  • Interests in professional practices
  • Private aircraft, boats or comparable personal property

Bearing in mind that the positive value of the assets to be divided between spouses is based on equity values, our Rochester divorce attorneys consider the marital liabilities as well as the assets.

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Divorce Involving High Net Worth | How a Lawyer Can Help

While characterization problems with respect to commingled assets or investment accounts can sometimes complicate property division issues, we find that the most frequent disagreements involve asset valuation, asset transfers and underreported or undisclosed income. Although the general property division objectives in a high net-worth divorce are substantially the same as they are in any other case, what it takes to achieve the desired result is often very different.

Experienced Rochester Divorce Attorney Michael D. Schmitt will work with accountants, appraisers, and investigators as necessary to develop an accurate inventory and valuation of marital property. We know how to review and analyze financial statements and business records to spot the signs of missing or mischaracterized assets. Our goal is to ensure to the greatest degree possible that your property division settlement reflects a complete and accurate understanding of the composition and worth of your marital estate.

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