Rochester Family Law Attorney Discusses Modifying Child Support Because of Job Loss

Rochester Family Law AttorneyOur experienced Rochester Family Law Attorney discusses modifying child support because of job loss in this article. Then, call our attorney to get started.

Many times as an experienced Rochester Family Law Attorney, I am asked how you can modify a child support order because of job loss.  Sometimes after a child support order is entered, there is a change in circumstances. Those changes in circumstances can include loss of employment or a change in the custody of the child. What we can do is go back to court and get those issues readdressed.

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If you lose your job based on no fault of your own, you’re typically entitled to change your child support obligation. On the other hand, if you quit your job or get fired, the court generally is not going to allow you to use that as an excuse to change your child support amount. Additionally, if your income increases significantly, the other parent could take you back to court and ask for more child support.

Have you lost your job and need a modification to your child support order?  Contact experienced Rochester Family Law Attorney Michael Schmitt for strong legal aid.

This educational blog was brought to you by Michael D. Schmitt, one of our experienced Rochester Family Law Attorney.

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