Rochester Family Law Attorney Discusses the Time Length of Spousal Support

Rochester Family Law AttorneyOur experienced Rochester Family Law Attorney discusses the time length of spousal support in this article. Then, contact our attorney to get started today.

I am often asked as a Rochester Family Law Attorney, how long spousal support payments will last.  A spousal support order typically lasts based upon the length of the marriage. As a rule of thumb, the longer the marriage, the longer the term of maintenance. The shorter the marriage was, the shorter the term of maintenance. The term of maintenance can be anywhere between 25% of the length of the marriage up to 40% of the length of the marriage. I advise my clients as a Rochester Family Law Attorney that sometimes we have permanent maintenance, but that’s a long term marriage with a great income discrepancy between the parties.

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Are you ordered to pay spousal support and want to know how long you need to pay?  Contact experienced Rochester Family Law Attorney Michael Schmitt for strong legal aid.

This educational blog was brought to you by Michael D. Schmitt, an experienced Rochester Family Law Attorney.

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